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Society realizes the enormous potential of “Space Sciences” to answer the challenges of mankind today. We have been motivated by the following initiatives, declarations at National and International.

1. Chandrayaan Mission to Moon being launched by our country in year 2008
2. Call given by Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam in Vision 2020
3. Resolution No.4 of International Astronomical Union
4. 1999 Declaration of United Nations at UNISPACE III
5. United Nations Millennium Development Goals (UNMDG’s)
6. International Astronomical Year 2009.

Planetary Society, India in association with SEDS – Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore is organizing “Moon Rover Competition” and “Teleconference Session” for students. .

Students to Design Moon Rover: under this competition students individually are requested to propose a design for “Moon Rover” imagining themselves in a hypothetical situation in year 2020 where ISRO allocated 20kg payload for scientific experiments on moon. Further details for all participants would be issued at teleconference.

TELECONFERENCE: In order to guide students with sufficient knowledge on the campaign a “Teleconference Session” involving experts from VIT, Vellore, Mumbai is being organized at Little Flower School, Abids on 9th August, 2007 from 10.30 a.m to 12.30 noon. Through this conference students would be made aware about lunar exploration, including designing rovers and introduction to various projects of SEDS.

Participation fee & Special Website/CD : Filled in subscription (at Venue) to our monthly newspaper “Student Astronaut” along with Rs.150 p.a. D.D. or Cash and bonafide certificate from School is suggested. Society would make efforts to provide relevant material for assistance through a Special Website/ or a special CD for school.

Other Details:

1. Eligibility and Special Website/CD: Students from classes VII to XII with interest in space science and working knowledge of internet & computers.

2. Invitation to Teleconference: Considering the space constraint at auditorium Schools are requested to nominate two Student leaders representing a group of 10 members each to participate in the teleconference session. Student leaders are responsible to assist other participants of the competition and coordinate various activities, experiment while leading their respective teams during the campaign.

3. MODEL for Submission to ISRO: After final selection and announcement of winner in September. Society in the month of October, 2007 with the help of Two Student Leaders and their respective teams members would will build a model of the design proposed by students and present it to ISRO on the eve of launch of Indian mission to moon “Chandrayaan”.

Note: Students to participate in competition are expected to send their abstracts filled in subscription and Propose a Design only of Moon Rover in a document length: 25 pages, double-spaced, 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman). (There is no minimum length.) Document paper size must be A4, 8.5" x 11", or an equivalent size. Models of Design are not necessary.